After a great first year of medicine for me and the end of Heady's 3rd year of residency, we left the madness of Calgary for a week of isolation in the Bowron Lakes. What an amazing area, definitely worth the drive up north. Hope you enjoy the pics.

Map of the circuit. We started in the NW corner of the park and made our way around over 5 days.
Quick stop at Peyto Lake on the drive up. Heady had to throw some elbows to make her way through the crowd.

The wildlife density along the road was incredible. In total, we saw 17 moose!

The 6 bears that we saw on the forestry road into the park made us a little nervous. However, didn't have any visitors to our campsites in the park.
Night shot looking south across Bowron Lake.

I can't believe that I've been carrying canoes on my head like a sucker for so many years. These portages were like highways!

After a couple of portages (if you can call them that), the sun started to poke out providing our first look at the peaks throughout the park. This is Indianpoint Lake along the north end of the park.

By far the biggest fish I've ever caught. At first I thought this lake trout was a massive snag - until it started to dive! In the spirit of my brother's fishing habits, we let him go.

Surprisingly, Issac Lake (about 37 kms long) looked like glass when we got to it. This was the nice weather of the day. In true canoe trip styles, the rain and wind came up with about an hour left in the day...
This is our 1st site. These trapper cabins are spread out across the park. Made for a great cooking shelter and Heady took full advantage of the hammock.

This little stream ran right through the site.
The next morning, we made our way casually down Issac Lake. The day started with rain but finished with the warm sunshine.
View from our 2nd campsite south towards the Caribou Mountains.
The next morning we woke up to some pretty heavy fog. Made for a great paddle.