The ski patrol tried to mess with us, but Paddy took out the tooth and kicked some ass. Don't mess with the wives's club, we don't believe in boundaries.
You think it had been windy? So much for the pow...
After a sweet breakfast in Kamloops on Sunday morning, he headed for home. The road had other ideas... i.e. IT CLOSED! So Aric, Jen, Heather and I had to poach someones wireless internet in Revelstoke to find a room. I can say, this was a first.
So, Monday rolls around and the road is finally opened. We couldn't believe the carnage through Rogers Pass; every possible slide path had run to valley bottom. You can see the train wreck in the photo below. These slides were insane!
More carnage. Check out the mature timber in the run out.
We were greeting with a little good luck and the mud slide outside Golden had stabilized and the road stayed open. I now have so many more reasons to hate slides. Makes for good stories though. Despite the ridiculousness of the weekend, it was pretty great to spend some quality car, green run, hot tub, beer, and hotel time with good friends.