Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Video of Epic Weekend
Monday, January 29, 2007
Dome and McGill Shoulder
This shot is heading up the far west side of the Asulkan Glacier next to the huge outcropping known as the Cleaver.
This is a look back across the valley to Youngs Peak (flattened peak on the right) and the Steps to Paradise. If you look closely, you can actually see Asulkan Hut on the ridge above the tree triangle.
Nick, almost at the top of the Cleaver. We we able to get about the outcropping and traverse onto the Lilly Glacier to ski down.
A nice view of Saphire Peak.Wind crust anyone???
On Sunday we decided to check out McGill shoulder in hopes of some better turns. After an hour slog through the trees up the creek trail we realized that the skin track didn't link up with anything... so we cut our losses and heading back down to catch the shoulder. If anyone heads out to McGill, make sure not to head left at the first trail intersection, it sucks! The picture above is the beautiful view that awaited us after a long trip in the trees.
Surprisingly, the snow was fantastic. Nice boot deep powder that hadn't been wind effected. After the slog, we deserved these turns!Nick rippin it up near the bottom of the run. Until next time...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Chinook Sunset
Monday, January 22, 2007
I love Rogers Pass!!!
It was great to finally ski with Paddy. Is there anything that guy can't do?
Heather had a great vantage point for this shot AND she got to poach Jan's line to get it!Jay and Sharon drove up Sat night after their first Rockies skiing experience at Lake Louise. This is Jay at the beginning of the day, prior to fully understanding what they were gettting into.
We made our way up Connaught Creek to Balu Pass. The skiing is great down the pass, but it's a long way in. Sharon was a trooper and kept sloggin despite complete exhaution.My rewards for the long trip.
This is the closest Heady got to being in a photo this weekend. The tracks 2nd from the right are hers... looking pretty good!
After a few "experimental turns", Jay figured what all this snow was about and how to get through it.
Sharon's first experience with powder. She was really starting to get the hang of it by the end. Jay on the other hand, started to lose it near the end... I think Sharon pushed him. As opposed to helping, Jan and Heady were taking photos in fits of laughter on either side of Jay. Good looking bunch of skiers...Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Powtastic Weekend
Karl holding his breath. I wasn't kidding about timing your breathing.
I'm in there somewhere...
Heady in a opening on Grizzly.
Karl skiing the steeps. Any less of a pitch on the slope and we would have been stuck!