This is the normal evening routine at the cottage. As the sun is starting to go down and the hooligan's on the lake are inside for dinner, WE RIDE!!!

Our patient driver, the harder we fall, the more he smiles...

Ash was injured for the weekend, so she was off the water. But here keen spotter skills were required for this outing.

Spotter #2.

Joel's hot styles...

and sweet air...

Heather makes the most fantastic facial expressions when she rides, try zooming in.

Heather rippin' on her ski.
Her speed is unreal across the wake.

After some "mild" pressure, Deb agreed to ski. Look at the smile!

Just at the end of my ride, I figured I give something a go. Feeling pretty confident right now.

Actually feeling really good, got my landing spotted.

The aftermath. Not feeling so good.