After unwinding in isolation on Kaui, we felt brave enough to tackle another island. We went from one-way bridges and isolated beaches to 4-lane highways and resorts... but it's all good, we're on vacation!
It was all I could do to keep him out of the water - no concept of what a good |
Pretty diverse landscape from dry uplands to lush valleys.
Stormy nights but 25 degrees and sunny every day. |
Our evening routine. Run him till he drops.
Aquarium visit.
Breakfast of mangoes, papayas and pineapple. |
Great snorkeling spot in West Maui. |
Q and Heady playing on the beach...
... and in the pool. |
This place was kid heaven - pool, beach, rocks, and tasty fruit - come to think of it, was like paradise for us too!
Lava fields down south. |
After hundreds of attempts, finally got a decent family photo. Photo credit to Al's shutter release. |
Run on the beach with our tummies full of fresh tuna! |
Crabby crabs. |
Felt bad for all the couples trying to enjoy a romantic evening on the beach with Q terrorizing the place. |
Despite Air Canada's best efforts, we finally got home after the 15 hr delay! |